Heleen Kuijper


Heleen Kuijper – Tissot van Patot


Heleen has been a pharmacist her whole professional life. Her passion is to help patients by providing the right medicines and services and professional advice to relieve their situation. Her passion is to stay up to date with all developments and innovations as well in her role as a pharmacist and also as an entrepreneur owning two licensed pharmacies.

After buying two pharmacies in 2000, located just south of Amsterdam, she combined this with teaching at the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Utrecht. By doing so she stayed connected to all developments in pharmacy, as well with the younger generations of pharmacists.

Since the summer of 2017, she has been researching the immense field of medicinal cannabis treatments. In her role as Chief Pharmacist of two companies; Clinical Cannabis Care (pharmacy) and Cannabis (production facility).  She is responsible for quality control, GMP certification, product development, and education of a broad group of doctors and pharmacists.

Heleen is a prominent and respected pharmacist with a very large network amongst her Dutch colleagues. She has become a passionate advocate for cannabis as a symptom control for numerous diseases and discomforts. Her advice is based on scientific publications and studies as well as on her broad knowledge of and experience with pharmaceutical treatment.

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